Managed IT Service Provider

Trusted provider of Managed IT Services

With 16 years of expertise in IT, proactive approach to IT management, round-the-clock monitoring, expert help desk support and strategic IT consulting we ensure the stability, security, and scalability of your business's technology infrastructure.

We're dedicated to empowering your business with reliable and efficient IT solutions. 

Outsource your work

Entrust specific tasks, functions, or entire IT operations to a professional Managed Service Provider (MSP)

Get expertise

Gain access to a team of experienced professionals and advanced IT service management technologies that ensures the stability, security, and efficiency of your IT environment

Offload your staff

This model allows our clinets to offload the day-to-day management of their IT infrastructure, systems, and services to NORSEC who has required expertise and specialize in delivering a wide range of IT solutions and support.

Focus on business

By freeing up internal resources companies can focus on the core business objectives,  reduce operational costs associated with hiring, training, and maintaining internal staff

What is "Managed IT Service"

Managed IT Service involves the delegation of IT management responsibilities to an external service provider, known as a Managed IT Service Provider (MSP) who assumes oversight of a company's IT infrastructure, applications, and IT systems on an ongoing basis.

Why is NORSEC the best provider for Managed IT Services?

 ​​Has highly skilled professionals with extensive IT management experience in international companies
Demonstrates success through client satisfaction and industry recognition
 Utilizes advanced and modern tools and practices for IT service management
 Offers flexible and scalabel options that adapt to business growth 
 Implements strong measures to safeguard data and systems
 Provides strategic guidance aligned with business objectives 


What Managed IT Services do we Offer

IT Help Desk

We handle the management of IT infrastructures of any scale and complexity with 24/7 monitoring and maintenance with Call-Center, Desk side support and IT Infrastructure management support services.

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Applications Management

Elevate your application landscape with our Managed Applications Services, providing expert management and support to ensure optimal performance, security, and reliability for your business-critical applications.

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Infrastructure Management

We handle the management of IT infrastructures of any scale and complexity with 24/7 monitoring and maintenance.

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Server Administration

We provide comprehensive Applications Management services, managing server infrastrucutre of any size and complexity with round-the-clock monitoring and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

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Network Administration

Empower your business with our comprehensive Network Management service, providing strategic design, proactive monitoring, agile troubleshooting, and robust security implementation tailored to optimize the performance, scalability, and resilience of your network infrastructure.

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Cloud Management

Maximize the potential of your cloud infrastructure with our Cloud Management Service, offering expert management and optimization of your AWS, Azure, and other cloud solutions. We ensure your cloud environment operates at peak performance while maximizing efficiency and minimizing risks.

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Managed DevOps

We enable organizations to accelerate their software delivery lifecycle, improve deployment frequency, enhance the reliability and security of their applications, and ultimately deliver value to their customers faster and more efficient.

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Benifits of hiring NORSEC as MSP?

Agility & Flexibility

We offer agile and flexible services that can swiftly adapt to changing business and evolving business demands

Proactive Support

Our support teams are always proactive in monitoring and maintenance, identifying and resolving issues to minimize service downtime

Expertise & Experience

We provide services and solutions tailored to address your unique challenges by leveraging our extensive experience and deep industry knowledge

Strategic Allignment

We collaborate closely with clients to understand their long-term goals and challenges, offering strategic insights and solutions that align with business objectives

Innovative solutions

We innovate and apply emerging technologies to develop best solutions for customers that drive efficiency and enhance their productivity

Customer Satisfaction

We prioritize the needs and preferences of our clients, delivering exceptional services, responsive support, and personalized attentiona

How to outsource your IT service?

Assess & Define Scope

Assess your current IT infrastructure, processes, and needs for IT outsourcing. Define the scope and requirements of IT Services to be outsourced. 

Contract & Onboard

Negotiate and finalize the contract or agreement to initiate the onboarding and integration of IT Service provider into your organization's operations.

Execute Transition

Develope and execute the transition plan to transfer the identified IT services from internal teams to IT Service provider.

Get Managed Service

IT Service provider ensures ongoing support and adherence to service levels and metrics outlined in the contract.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Managed IT Service provider is a third-party company that manages and assumes responsibility for providing a defined set of IT services to clients.

NORSEC as MSP offers a range of services including network monitoring, cybersecurity, cloud management, data backup and recovery, help desk support., applications management, Managed DevOps, IT infrastructure management, and many more.

Our pricing for Managed IT Services is typically based on a subscription model, where clients pay a monthly fee based on the services and level of support they require. 

Depending on the business case, NORSEC can offer various pricing options to their clients like "fixed price", "dedicated team" or "time & material".

Outsourcing IT services to a Managed IT Service provider can result in cost savings, access to specialized expertise, proactive support, improved security, and enhanced scalability and flexibility. 

The key benefit is allowing you to focus on the core business activities while ensuring reliable and efficient IT operations and performance of IT service.

The onboarding process typically involves an initial assessment of the client's IT infrastructure, followed by the development of a customized service plan and implementation and integration of IT Service monitoring and management practices into clients' mode of operate.

Businesses of all sizes and industries can benefit from Managed IT Services, particularly those without dedicated IT staff or those looking to augment their existing IT resources. 

To safeguard your data and systems from cyber threats we implement robust security measures, including firewalls, antivirus software, encryption, and regular security audits to ensure data security and compliance with industry regulations. 

We have ISO 27001 certification which is a globally recognized information security standard, and we recommend companies to outsource services to only MSPs who has such certification.

Yes, NORSEC offers customizable service plans tailored to the specific needs and requirements of each client. After ssesement of client's needs, we will always make a #bestdeal.

We offer various levels of support, including remote monitoring and management, help desk support, on-site assistance, and 24/7 emergency support, depending on service levels tailred and suited for your busiess need.

We create SLA document which will ensure the transparency and performance predictability in our services. 

Managed IT Services provide proactive, ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and support, whereas traditional IT support models typically involve reactive, break-fix support for IT issues as they arise.

Yes, many organizations choose to complement their internal IT staff with Managed IT Services to augment their capabilities and enhance overall IT support and management.

Working with an MSP, you get access to the whole IT expertise this company has. Just imagine how many IT employees you need to hire full-time to get an equivalent.

Potential days of absence of your in-house employees causes interuption of the service, while outsourced managed support is uninterrupted.

We create SLA document which will ensure the transparency and cost predictability in managed services. SLA document will document the scope and frequency of services provided by us. If changes would be required along the service provision, we will revise this document accordingly.

Initiate Our Collaboration Today

NORSEC provides a full cycle of IT services, from consulting and project delivery to software development and qualified IT support services. We are committed to enhancing your business's efficiency, agility, and resilience through intelligent IT solutions.  

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